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Dr Sotiria Kripotou received her Diploma in Physics in 1999 at the University of Crete, her MSc in Physics in 2001 and her PhD in Physics in 2005, both at the National Technical University of Athens-NTUA. She has published more than 35 journal papers, 6 papers in conference proceedings and 3 book chapters. Her research activities include structure-property relationships studies in polymers with complex architecture (e.g. hybrid polymer networks, hyperbranched polymers, liquid crystalline polymers, diblock copolymers) and in polymer nanocomposites.
Selected Publications
- Kripotou S, Stefanopoulou E, Culebras-Martinez M, Morales-Roman RM, Gallego-Ferrer G, Kyritsis A. Water dynamics and thermal properties of tyramine-modified hyaluronic acid-gelatin hydrogels. Polymer 178 (2019) 121598. (download)
- Kripotou S., Psylla C., K. Kyriakos, K.N. Raftopoulos, J. Zhao, G. Zhang, S. Pispas, C.M. Papadakis, A. Kyritsis. Structure and crystallization behavior of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) chains in core-shell brush copolymers with poly(propylene oxide)-block-poly(ethylene oxide) side chains. Macromolecules 49 (2016) 5963-77. (download)
- Kripotou S., Sovatzoglou S., C. Pandis, J. Kulicek, M. Micusik, M. Omastova, A. Kyritsis, A. Konsta, P. Pissis. Effects of CNT inclusions on structure and dielectric properties of PVDF/CNT nanocomposites. Phase Transitions 89 (2016) 717-730. (download)
- Kripotou S., Pandis C., A. Kyritsis, D. Pospiech, D. Jehnichen, P. Pissis. Semifluorinated methacrylate random copolymers: Phase transitions and molecular dynamics. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 611 (2015) 27-39, 2015. (download)
- Klonos P., Pandis Ch., Kripotou S., Kyritsis A., Pissis P. Interfacial interactions in polymer nanocomposites studied by dielectric and thermal techniques. IEEE Trans. Diel. Elect. Insul., 19 (2012) 1283-1290. (download)
- Stavrou E., Kripotou S., Raptis C. Turrell S., Syassen K. Raman and DSC studies of fragility in tellurium-zinc oxide glass formers. Physica Status Solidi 8 (2011) 3039-3042. (download)
- Bershtein V.A., A.M. Fainleib, P. Pissis, I.M. Bei, F. Dalmas, L.M. Egorova, Y.P. Gomza, S. Kripotou, P. Maroulos, P.N. Yakushev. Polycyanurate-Organically Modified Montmorillonite Nanocomposites: Structure-Dynamics-Properties Relationships. J. Macrom. Sci. B (2008) 555 – 575. (download)
- Jigounov A., Z. Sedláková, R. Kripotou, P. Pissis, J. Nedbal, J. Baldrian, M. Ilavský. Dielectric and thermal behavior of liquid crystalline comb-like polybutadiene-diols with mesogenic groups in side chains. Polymer 48 (2007) 5721-5733. (download)
- Kripotou S., Pissis P., E. Kontou, A.M. Fainleib, O. Grigoryeva, I. Bey. Polycyanurate networks modified by polyoxytetramethylene glycol. Polym. Bulletin 58 (2007) 93-104. (download)