contact information
Former head of Dielectric Materials Group
Physics Department, NTUA, Zografou Campus, 15780, Athens, Greece
e-mail: ppissis@central.ntua.gr
tel.: +30 210 772 2986
Office 107
Polycarpos Pissis is Emeritus Professor at the Physics Department, National Technical University of Athens – NTUA, Greece. He studied Physics at the University of Goettingen (Germany), where he received his Diploma (1973) and his PhD (1977). He has taught several subjects, both at under-graduate and post-graduate level, in particular in the field of materials science. He has been main coordinator / partner in international and national projects. Prof. Pissis has published more than 300 journal papers, 99 papers in conference proceedings and 16 book chapters. He has more than 500 contributions to international conferences and more than 100 to national conferences, more than 11400 citations and h-index 53 (google scholar).
Research Activities
- Broadband dielectric relaxation spectroscopy
- Thermally stimulated depolarization currents techniques
- Dynamic and equilibrium water sorption measurements
- Structure – property relationships in polymers and composites, Complex polymeric systems
- Conductive polymers and composites
- Confined glass forming liquids
- Biomaterials
- Hydration properties of polymers and biopolymers
Selected Publications
- Klonos P.A., Papadopoulos L., Papageorgiou G.Z., Kyritsis A., Pissis P., Bikiaris D.N. Interfacial interactions, crystallization and molecular dynamics of renewable poly(propylene furanoate) in situ filled with initial and surface functionalized carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (2020) 10220-10234. (download)
- Klonos P.A., Goncharuk O.V., Pakhlov E.M., Sternik D., Deryło–Marczewska A., Kyritsis A., Gun’ko V.M., Pissis P. Morphology, molecular dynamics and interfacial phenomena in systems based on silica modified by grafting PDMS chains and physically adsorbed PDMS. Macromolecules 52 (2019) 2863-2877. (download)
- Klonos P.A., Pissis P., Kyritsis A. Effects of hydration/dehydration on interfacial polymer fraction and dynamics in nanocomposites based on metal-oxides and physically adsorbed polymer. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (2017) 19428-19441. (download)
- Klonos P., Kulyk K., M.V. Borysenko, V.M. Gun’ko, A. Kyritsis, P. Pissis. Effects of molecular weight below the entanglement threshold on interfacial nanoparticles/polymer dynamics. Macromolecules 49 (2016) 9457-9473. (download)
- Panagopoulou A., Molina J.V., Kyritsis A., Monleon Pradas M., Lluch A.V., Ferrer G.G., Pissis P. Glass Transition and Water Dynamics in Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels. Food Biophysics 8 (2013) 192-202. (download)
- Pissis P., Kyritsis A. Hydration studies in polymer hydrogels. J. Polym. Sci. B: Polym. Phys. 51 (2013) 159-175. (download)
- Logakis, Ch. Pandis, P. Pissis, J. Pionteck, P. Pötschke.Highly conducting poly(methyl methacrylate) / carbon nanotubes composites: Investigation on their thermal, mechanical, electrical and dielectric properties. Comp. Sci. Technol. 71 (2011) 854-862. (download)
- Klonos P., Panagopoulou A., Bokobza L., Kyritsis A., Peoglos V., Pissis P. Comparative studies on effects of silica and titania nanoparticles on crystallization and complex segmental dynamics in poly(dimethylsiloxane). Polymer 51 (2010) 5490-9. (download)
- Fragiadakis D., P. Pissis. Glass transition and segmental dynamics in poly(dimethylsiloxane)/silica nanocomposites studied by various techniques. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 353 (2007) 4344-4352. (download)
- Gomez Tejedor J.A, T. Rodriquez Acosta, J.L. Gomez Ribelles, G. Polizos, P. Pissis. Poly(ethyl methacrylate-co-hydroxyethyl acrylate) random co-polymers: Dielectric and dynamic-mechanical characterization. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 353 (2007) 276-285. (download)
- Fragiadakis D., P. Pissis, L. Bokobza. Glass transition and molecular dynamics in poly(dimethylsiloxane)/silica nanocomposites. Polymer 46 (2005) 6001-6008. (download)
- Mamunya Y.P., Davydenko V.V., Pissis P., Lebedev E.V. Electrical and thermal conductivity of polymers filled with metal posders. European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 1887-1897. (download)
- Barut G., Pissis P., Pelster R., Nimtz G. Glass transition in liquids: two versus three – dimensional confinement. Physical Review Letters 80 (1998) 3543. (download)
- Kyritsis A., Pissis P., Grammatikakis J. Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy in poly(hydroxyethyl acrylates)/water hydrogels. J. Polym. Sci. B Polym. Phys. 33 (1995) 1737-1750. (download)
- Pissis P., Anagnostopoulou-Konsta A., Apekis L., Daoukaki-Diamanti D., Christodoulides C. Dielectric effects of water in water-containing systems. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 131-133 (1991) 1174-1181. (download)